“Only the best dads let their children fly. Only the most loved children will soar. Thank you for giving me wings.”
My strongest pillar of support.
As they say, Behind every successful man there is a woman, I would like to say Behind every triumphant Son there is a Loving and caring Father.
As a child, we all have a lot of dreams but when we grow up we start influencing by our surroundings. But I always had that strong passion for my dreams to do something of my own and so something different. So, instead of searching for a job, I was researching business ideas.
After completing graduation I decided to pursue my guts completely. So, I told my father about my ideas and my dreams.
He not only showed interest in my ideas but he also encouraged me to work in this direction as soon as possible. He not only gave me is hard earned money to start the business but most importantly he gave me his confidence in me. And because of his confidence, I was able to move in the right direction to initiate the Business and scale it to next level as well.
Sons look at their fathers as role models and want to be like them, So am I. My father always believes in me and shows a sense of confidence in me. His love for us and other family members is selfless and unconditional. I promise my father that I will return all his love and care in terms of success.
Thank you so much father for everything.
Sanchit Goyal
" father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow"
"A father's love is eternal and without end"
Instead of running to his child’s rescue, some fathers prefer to take the guiding parenting route by shining his light, reminiscent of a lighthouse. He never conceals the fact that life is imperfect and lets his child make mistakes. He shows his kids that it is okay to fall or fail in life as long as they get back up. He might put up a brave front, but just like a lighthouse, rain or shine, low tide or high tide, he will always be there to catch his child, teach him or her a valuable lesson, and then lead the way home.
As human beings, we grow up by imitating the behaviour of those around us; that’s how we learn to function in the world. If a father is caring and treats people with respect, the young boy will grow up much the same. I am a live example of such an upbringing.